Traeger Ironwood Vs Timberline Reviews, Tips, and Guides
Currently, there are two lines of pellet grills offered by Traeger: the Ironwood and Timberline. Both have their pros and cons, but which one is the right grill for you? In this blog post, we’ll break down the features of each grill to help you decide. By the end of this post, you should have a good idea of which grill is right for your needs and budget. So, let’s get started!
What is a Traeger ironwood grill?
-A Traeger ironwood is a type of smoker which has its origins in production since 2003. Traeger is the name of the company behind this appliance. It’s not a very well-known brand, but it provides appliances with great quality at an affordable price for the average consumer. This product specifically aims to provide you ease of use and first-class cooking results by using special technology like pellet smoking system.
Features of a Traeger ironwood:
– 20.5 inches of length
– 25.2 inches of width
– 48.5 inches of height (including the cover)
Between $399 and $829 depending on model and color.
-They use modern design patterns like sleek surfaces and wood finish.
-They are designed for the outdoors but look very classy at the same time.
-All their products come with 3 years of warranty on the entire appliance, except for certain parts that have 90 days warranty.
Customer Service:
-Their customer service department is great in solving your problems if you encounter any while using the product. They offer a 24/7 call center so there’s no way to miss them.
-It’s made from steel painted with porcelain enamel finish which makes it sturdy and rustproof.
Ease of use:
-The use of their appliance is simple, just load raw meat, put it inside, set desired temperature and leave it to cook until it’s finished.
-A Traeger ironwood grill doesn’t come with any accessories. But you can buy them separately if you need them.
Cooking space:
The cooking space is 700 Sq. inches
Hopper Capacity:
The one that I have features an 8 lbs. hopper which is enough for any occasion.
Temperature range:
– You can use it between 100 and 275 degrees.
Prep time:
-It takes around 10 minutes to get it ready for cooking.
Cooking times:
-The low and slow method allows you to cook 3-5 lbs. of meat in 5 hours’ time. The high heat will cook the same amount of meat within 20 minutes or less. The choice is yours.
Safety features:
-A good smoker must be safe for use. The Traeger ironwood features a patented ash clean system, auto start ignition and a whole lot more.
Temperature control:
-This appliance uses digital temperature controller which provides a neat and clear readout, making it easy for you to set your desired temperature with precision and speed.
-If you want to move it around make sure you have 1 or 2 people to help you. It weighs 500 lbs.
Remote controller:
-This appliance comes with a remote which lets you control the temperature of your meat without even moving from your couch.
-It’s extremely easy to maintain this appliance because it doesn’t produce much smoke. The pellets are biodegradable, so if they run out you can just replace them with any other type of pellet designed for smoking.
Grill Racks and Internal insulation:
-It comes with 3 racks, the top one is for ribs and sausage. The second one is where you put your meat, making it great for cooking big pieces of meat like brisket or chicken. And the third rack provides space underneath to put water or wine bottles which will result in moist meats.
Dripping pan and grease management:
-The grease management system is also very neat. The water bowl that I mentioned before is underneath the grates of this grill, so you can put ice in it to get more moisture. Also, there’s a tray where all the drippings are caught which makes it easy for you to clean your appliance.
Noise level:
-There’s virtually no noise while using this product. It uses electricity to run so if you live in an area with power interruptions you might have problems cooking your meat properly.
Space requirement:
-You will need 6 ft of space on either side of the grill. And 3 ft behind it, so make sure it has enough room to fit both length and width wise.
Cutting board:
-You can buy a cutting board made specifically for Traeger grills on their website.
Pellet Sensor:
-The sensor of this appliance helps you create a computerized cooking system that automatically feeds the pellets at regular intervals. This way you won’t have to deal with refilling it yourself while cooking.
Control Panel:
-This appliance features a control panel which is very well designed. It gives you perfect temperature control allowing you to cook meat to perfection in any weather or circumstances.
Side shelf:
-The side shelf provides you with extra space to place your dishes so it’s great for entertaining.
Meat probe:
-It comes with a wireless meat probe that lets you know the internal temperature of whatever meat you’re cooking without even touching it. It also comes with two different probes; one is just like an oven thermometer and the other is wireless which gives you real time updates on how things are doing.
What is a timberline?
-The Traeger Timberline is a pellet smoker and grill combined. It gives you the functionality of both with the same power source.
Features of a timberline:
– Small
– Medium
– Large
– $900-$1,100 (shipping not included)
– Sleek design with leather straps for carrying. Timberline has 3 colors to choose from (grey, green, and orange). Timberline grill box is made from stainless steel. Grate is also stainless, but you can buy replacement grates in different colors like red, blue etc…
-The Timberline has an outdoor style to it which means that it’s perfect for camping or style it up at home to make your barbeque parties memorable. It comes in three great colors Grey, Green and Orange. All are equally good looking.
-The warranty is 2 years on the Timberline and 1 year for all accessories.
Customer service:
-Traeger wood pellet grills have fantastic customer service; their staff is very responsive, and they will answer all your questions.
-The Timberline grill box is made of stainless steel. The grates are made from porcelain enameled steel for an easy to clean surface. You can find replacement parts like grates online or on Amazon.
Ease of use:
– Pellets run out very frequently and requires constant refilling. Cleaning is easy because of the grease management system. Under the grates you can fit ice or water bottles to get more moisture which will result in moist meat. You can set your desired temperature with a dial on the top of the grill, no digital controls here which makes it easy to use. The appliance is light weight and very portable because of the leather straps that come with it.
– You can buy a cutting board, gloves, and aprons on their website.
Cooking space:
-It has 619 inches of cooking space. It’s not the most spacious pellet smoker but still gives you enough room to cook for your family and party guests.
Hopper Capacity:
-The hopper capacity is 20 pounds, the average for most pellet smokers. You can buy an extra one to increase the total capacity.
Temperature range:
-This smoker runs at 180°F – 275°F which is perfect for smoking meats. It doesn’t get any better than that and it will hold that temperature throughout most of your cooking session.
Prep time:
-It takes around 10 minutes to get it up and running, you just must put the pellets in the hopper and set your desired temperature. The heating process takes about 15-20 minutes after which you can start cooking.
Cooking times:
-Cook time depends on the size of the meat but it will average around 45 minutes.
-The grill heats up to 500 degrees which is hot enough to kill all bacteria and prevent accidental burns. It comes with a timer that lets you know when your food is done cooking. It also shuts down automatically after three hours. There is an emergency shut off button in case anything goes wrong.
Temperature control:
-The Timberline is a pellet smoker so cooking temperatures are easily controlled with the adjustable dial. You can also use a temperature gun to monitor your food in real time.
-The Timberline weighs around 45 pounds which makes it perfect for camping or taking to a friend’s house. It’s small and light weight but customers have found that the legs are wobbly after extended use.
– The pellet chute gets clogged frequently requiring constant cleaning. You can’t use water or ice inside this one like other brands, you will have to clean the grease drip tray frequently. Power interruptions might interfere with cooking time which is problematic if it happens frequently in your area. The unit does come with a secondary temperature dial that you can set when power goes out so at least you’ll be able to cook without having to resort to your oven.
Grill Racks and Internal insulation:
-There are six grilling racks that can hold 20 pounds of food combined. On average this smoker uses 10-15 pounds of pellets per cooking session.
Dripping pan and grease management:
-The Timberline comes with a drip and grease management system which makes cleaning very easy. You can even place ice or water bottles under the grates to add some extra moisture for more succulent meat. There is an attached catch pan that lets you dump the grease without opening the smoker, this prevents heat loss and preserves your food’s flavor.
Noise level:
-It is quiet because the fan pushes all the smoke and heat away from you. This appliance is very quiet which makes it perfect for camping or backyard parties.
Space requirement:
-The dimensions of this unit are 14 x 17.5 x 46 inches, which isn’t very big. You need about 4-6 feet of clearance all around because there is no side shelf included in this model.
Cutting board:
-This model comes with a built-in cutting board that is meant for slicing vegetables or other small food items. It sounds convenient but customers have complained that it’s not large enough to properly cover the grill.
Pellet Sensor:
-This smoker comes with a pellet sensor that lets you know when the pellets need to be refilled or when your meat is done cooking. You don’t have to open the grill every few minutes which prolongs the smoking process and adds flavor.
Control Panel:
-The control panel is where you set the temperature, the internal timer, and the cooking time. There are only two knobs which makes this unit very easy to use.
Side shelf:
-The Timberline does not come with a side shelf which makes it impossible to add extra food or sauces.
Meat probe:
-There is a meat probe that lets you monitor the internal temperature of your food without having to open the lid. This makes it easy to add coal or wood while cooking and maintain accurate temperatures.
Pros and Cons of Traeger ironwood and timberline pellet grills
-The customer service is very helpful, and the warranty covers major parts for up to five years. The temperature can be adjusted from 180-500 degrees Fahrenheit which makes this one of the most precise smokers on the market. It has a pellet sensor that lets you set cooking times and it comes with a side shelf.
-The legs are wobbly after extended use, only two knobs which makes the unit less versatile, no side or rear shelves included in purchase price. You need about 4 feet of clearance all around because there is no side shelf included in this model.
The similarities of Traeger ironwood and timberline:
-These two grills are very similar in terms of features. They both include a wood pellet sensor that lets you set cooking times, temperature and they have a side shelf. One of the main differences is that the Timberline does not come with a meat probe, but it is under $200 cheaper than its competitor. The front legs on the ironwood grill can be wobbly after extended use.
The differences of Traeger ironwood and timberline:
-The Timberline has a maximum temperature of 500 degrees Fahrenheit while the ironwood can get up to 700 degrees. The timberline is not as versatile because it only comes with one meat probe, and it does not have a rear or side shelf included in purchase price.
The winner:
The Timberline seems to be a better value for the money because it doesn’t cost as much and has almost every feature included in this model. It does not heat up as quickly and can maintain temperature more accurately than its ironwood competitor.
What is the primary difference between a Traeger ironwood and timberline?
-There are two main differences, the first one is that the Timberline does not come with a meat probe, but it is under $200 cheaper than its competitor.
-The second major difference is that the maximum temperature of this unit can reach up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit whereas the ironwood has 700 degrees.
Which smoker is right for me?
-You should choose the smoker that is most important to you and if it’s value for money, then go with the Timberline.
Pros and Cons of Traeger ironwood and timberline:
Traeger ironwood pros:
-The customer service is very helpful, and the warranty covers major parts for up to five years. The temperature can be adjusted from 180-500 degrees Fahrenheit which makes this one of the most precise smokers on the market. It has a pellet sensor that lets you set cooking times and it comes with a side shelf.
Traeger ironwood cons:
– There are only two knobs which makes this unit less versatile, no side or rear shelves included in purchase price. You need about 4 feet of clearance all around because there is no side shelf included in this model.
Traeger timberline pros:
-It does not cost as much and has almost every feature included in this model. It does not heat up quickly, so it maintains temperature more accurately than its competitor. The customer service is very helpful, and the warranty covers major parts for up to five years. One of the main differences is that this model does not come with a meat probe.
Traeger timberline cons:
– Only one meat probe included in purchase price, it has a maximum temperature of 500 degrees Fahrenheit and does not have a rear or side shelf included in purchase price.
If you are looking for a great unit that has every feature included in this model, go with the Timberline.
However, if you are looking for more value for your money and want to save about $200 then choose the ironwood. The meat probe is not necessary because it does not come with one included in purchase price. It’s less versatile because there are only two knobs included but it cooks food really well. The lack of side or rear shelves is concerning but you can purchase this unit separately.

Hi, I’m Iolanda I am a mother of two and know how to whip up satisfying dishes for friends and family in a seemingly effortless way. The blog goal is reader-oriented, So We are always looking for the newest information about the best products on the market to offer product reviews and tutorials to assist users.Have Fun on The Website